Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another 3 miles on the treadmill and 12 miles on the bike. Excellent work out tonight, everything feels great. I have decided to listen to every Stones album end to end. Started with Bigger Bang today, finished it on the way home. Best track is Rough Justice.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Picture from our trip to Tulum last September.
Couldn't help but add this picture this morning. We booked our flights to London and Dublin last night. Spending a 9 days in London/Ireland in September starting with the Notre Dame/Navy football game. Can't wait. We will also most likely spend a night or two in the hotel that the Edge (U2) owns. This was taken in the pub at the College Arms in the Midlands back in 2009. We went over for the Patriots game at Wembley Stadium with the Bucs. Great week. Stayed 3 nights in Mayfair and another 3 in the Midlands.

So I managed to get a 10 mile run in yesterday morning. Other than being extremely tired all is well with the feet. No pain or issues at all. Below is the Playlist I used for motivation. Sometimes I just forget how incredible the Stones are and how diverse their music is. This run made 16+ miles for the week. Not a bad effort given the time of the year. Can't wait for the weather to really break.

Flash - Get yerYa Ya's Out
Carol - Get yer Ya Ya's Out
Midnight Rambler - Get yer Ya Ya's Out
Street Fighting Man - Get yer Ya Ya's Out
Dance, pt 1 - Emotional Rescue
She's so Cold - Emotional Rescue
One Hit - Dirty Work
Anybody Seen my Baby - Bridges to Babylon
Dance Little Sister - It's Only Rock and Roll
Before They Make me Run - Some Girls
Rock and a Hard Place - Steel Wheels
Brown Sugar - Sticky Fingers
Mixed Emotions - Steel Wheels
Bitch - Sticky Fingers
Hang FIre - Tattoo You
Too Much Blood - Undercover
Pretty Beat Up - Undercover
Don't Worry - Gimme Some Neck
Infekshun - Gimme Some Neck
Seven Days - Gimme Some Neck
Can't you Hear me Knockin - Sticky Fingers
Respectable - Some Girls
Rough Justice - A Bigger Bang

Sunday, February 19, 2012

So I got another 3 miles on the treadmill Friday afternoon and then 20 miles on the bike. Feet feel fine and  I think it is time for full speed ahead on the running. I wanted to run outdoors this morning but it's a wee bit cold as it is in the 20's so I think it will be back to the gym. I have listened to this Sonny Boy Williamson set about 2-3 times in the last few days. Really amazing stuff. I also found a YouTube video with him, Muddy Waters and various others performing together somewhere in Europe. Real good stuff. Although his version of Bring it on Home keeps me waiting for the break out in the Zepplin version where they explode. Off to the gym.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Managed to get 3 miles in tonight on the treadmill and did 15 miles on the bike Monday night as well. Foot a little tender yesterday so not sure that the Plantar is totally healed, need to be careful not to blow it out again. Stretching seems to help so I need to keep up with that. Listend to Leon Helms Dirt Farmer album which I  believe won a grammy last year. It really is a great album of what I would call 'American' music. Well worth the 10 dollar investment on iTunes. My favorite song would be False Hearted Lover Blues. Give it a try.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Picked up this little devil today along with a Fender Mustang 1 amp. Now I just have to figure out how to use it but this should be incentive enough.
I was fortunate enough to be able to spend the afternoon with my eldest son on Saturday. He found some great seats at the Bruins - Predators hockey game, five rows directly behind the net. It was a very exciting game and well worth the $80 per ticket. Money well spent to watch a great game and spend a few hours with him. Here is a not so good camera photo of where we were sitting.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ran 6 miles this afternoon. Nice day for the beginning of February as it was 50 degrees and partly sunny out although they are forecasting snow for tomorrow. This has to be the best winter for no snow in recent memory here in Boston. literally nothing to speak of. I remember last winter and the piles of snow in front of the train stop outside were literally 20 feet in the air. No complaints here. I found this picture today of Jack and Jorma on the internet. Time for some Hot Tuna then.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This is a picture of the hall in our condo with our cat hanging out. We call him the General, named after the cat in the original Rooster Cogburn movie, General Sterling Price is what the Duke called him and he looks just like him he does.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 3 after the cortisone shot and all is well. Ran a 5K yesterday, lousy time at 32 minutes but it's the first time I have run in almost 2 months. Hit the gym tonight after work and put in 14 miles on the bike and feel great for the first time in a long time. Regarding the Patriots and their loss last night in the Super Bowl, I honestly didn't think they were going to win given that we never beat a good team all year and only made it to the show due to a bad kick by the Ravens but it's not like the Giants were dragon slayers this year either, they were almost a 500 team! It wouldn't have surprised me either way, just a bummer that they lost again to the G-Men. I was disappointed when coach Coughlin left BC to take the Jacksonville job a long time ago, he really looked like he was poised to take the Eagles to the next level. He is a great coach and is now poised for the HOF after two Super Bowl wins. Hats off to the Giants. At least it's not the Jets. Starting to get the D and D minor chords down. F is still a struggle but that's the next one to conquer. I have A, A-,C,E,E-,G,D and D- figured out and am able to move back and forth between them. Not bad for only 5 weeks of lessons and practice.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Did a 5k this morning for the first run in almost 7 weeks. Felt good to get outside even though it was about 25 degrees. No wind and lots of other runners around Jamaica Pond. Looked like running clubs gearing up for the marathon. Jealous I am. I found this picture on Facebook this morning. Made me laugh.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Had another guitar lesson today. struggling to get the D chord down but I will keep plugging away. Walked the 3 mile to and from the lesson to the South End. Feet feel fine so I will be giving a run a shot tomorrow morning, can't wait. Anyway, another great picture of Keith courtesey of Blue Lena.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Got a corizone shot in the right heel today. Doc says I can run tomorrow if it feels ok. Most likely this is the state of affairs going forward. Might take infrequent shots to keep it in line or surgery to remove the Plantar alltogether. Can't wait to hit the road tomorrow morning, it's been almost 2 months since I have run. Anyway, There is a new (sort of) Hot Tuna album that is amazing, This is their first electric album in something like 20 years or so. It really is a great listen. Nothing crazy but just excellent music. My favorite is Smokerise Journey, very sentimental vibe. Give it a listen. This is the album cover which is pretty cool in of its self.

Off to the doctors this morning for a consult on my feet. Pain in my right foot most likely is not a good sign and probably won't be running any time soon. I have signed up for the BAA 5K, 10K and 1/2 marathon so I need to get this fixed pronto. On another theme, this picture is of my sisters Super Bowl tickets. She is in Indy now and doing the party circuit.