Sunday, February 20, 2011


So they are at it again. Apparently Somali pirates have taken 2 Americans hostage that were in the process of sailing around the world in their yacht. I have 2 issues here. One, the Americans were apparently sailing the world to spread the word of god and giving out bibles to the uneducated masses of the world. Nothing personal but you had this coming. What kind of an idiot sails up the east coast of Africa in this day and age in a yacht? And to top it off, to spread your religion. Perhaps you can save the souls of these modern day pirates with a couple of amens and a hail mary. It is probably going to be a long time if ever for you two to see the light of day in a free country. C'mon man. What the hell were you thinking?

The second issue, which is the bigger one for me is what, if anything, the US is going to do about this? I say nothing. Why should the US taxpayer have to foot the bill for a negotiation or a rescue effort for these two idiots. This should not be my cost to bear. If the military wants to step in and solve the overall problem by bombing these assholes in Somalia back to the stoneage then I am all for that but there is no way US personell should be put in harms way to save these two. I would be pissed if my child was serving and lost his or her life because a couple of religious zealots decided it was a good idea to sail to Africa like a couple of 17th century mercenaries. Either blast these assholes and end this pirate bullshit once and for all or let these two suffer the consequences of their actions as a lesson to anyone else who is stupid enough to sail the world to spread the word of their god.

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