Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Golf, Running and Aleve

Well I went off to the doctors today for a quick look at the right foot that has never quite healed from the plantar injury a year and a half ago. I have scaled back my running to essentially nothing over the past 2 months and it is still most uncomfortable and the discomfort has now snaked it's way up into my ankle. I was sent off for an X-ray and directions to take 2 Aleve a day for the next week to see if this helps at all. We shall just have to wait and see although the doctor was certain that I had not reinjured my plantar which was a relief. Nothing like that one let me tell you.

I was quite impressed with the technology in the medical office where I had my X-ray. I probably should have assumed it but apparently they no longer print X-ray film as it is all viewed on-line on a computer screen. I still had this picture in my head of all the X-ray pictures in black and white stuck up on a backlit screen as it was done in the past. I guess I should be glad that I had no need to see the newest technology in play which means I have been somewhat healthy and have had no need for many visits beyond my yearly physical.

The picture attached is one from our trip to Ireland last September as I had a few quite nice jaunts in the country side early in the AM while everyone else in our party was still sleeping. Beautiful place and my wife is going back again this summer with a few co-workers for 10 days so I am quite jealous of that. My only console is that I am very, very close to purchasing a new set of golf clubs and may do so this weekend at the golf show here in Boston. Can't wait for the weather to break so I can get back at it again. My wife gave me a golf pass of sorts to 5 different courses here in Massachusetts for Valentines day which was quite nice of her. I will take that as the go ahead to buy new clubs.

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